An interventional neurologist is a physician that specializes in diagnosing and treating patients with disorders of the nervous system and brain. They perform minimally invasive surgery of the spine, neck and brain. They also diagnose problems such as tumors, strokes, aneurysms, spinal disease and neck disorders.
By conducting less invasive types of surgeries, interventional neurologists can sometimes provide shorter recovery times and fewer complications for patients than with traditional surgery, which opens the patient up to access internal organs. Examples include percutaneous procedures, which involve inserting a needle through the skin, or the insertion of a catheter into a blood vessel in order to remove blood clots or plug an aneurysm (aneurysm coiling). Interventional neurologists may also work with other physicians or surgeons, such as neuroradiologists or neurosurgeons, in order to provide the best care for patients.
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: ﷼55,000.00 - ﷼65,000.00 per month